Thursday, June 13, 2019

Salish 100 Setup for the boat.

So I'm going to participate in the inaugural Salish 100.  Never spent more than 2 nights straight in the boat, nor sailed it for more than a few hours.  Trying to set it up for 6 days really brings home just how small it is, as well as show one why all of the built in storage on a Paradox under the floor and along the sides is so nice.  I'm a little longer and wider, but probably have a harder time stashing everything accessibly for such a long trip.

To start with, when I put the bow roller on the boat I didn't leave enough room for the anchor flukes to clear the bow of the boat.  I started building a pulpit to extend the roller, but really didn't like how it lengthened the boat or how the fasteners lined up, so I decided  to store it on deck.  I built this plate to screw down on the foredeck.  Rode tension with keep the flukes sucked into the line.  Rode will run through the dorade and into the plastic tub you see into the photos or a square bucket if i can find the right one in time.

8 gallons of water in gallon jugs fit to the left and right of the tub for the rode and other often used short lines like reef ties.  thermarest pad and sleeping bag in a waterproof bag as well as clothes under the foredeck.  forward of that is a buoyancy chamber with access hatch where I store a spare halyard, mainsheet, and coils of useful line for any other purpose on the boat.

 Aft is storage for the two large top hatches for the slot.  Forward acrylic hatch, aft horizontal hatch and aft vertical hatch store along the sides of the cockpit/cabin.  Aft is also where the beach chair, bilge pump, fenders, 3 gallons of gas and the 5 gallon toilet will store.

 Here's the panel with the 12 volt power outlets for the phone, iPad and GoPro camera along the port side.  I have a pair of 51lb AGM batteries doing double duty as ballast and power storage for devices and a trolling motor when appropriate.  2.3hp Honda for this trip, leaving all of that battery for the devices on this trip.

Here's the rough weather configuration.  Opening at the aft end of the slot is roughly 30" x 16".

 When the weather isn't so bad, I'll only have the front two hatches installed.